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Date : 1986-10-30
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Quantum Space Jim Baggott Oxford University Press ~ Quantum Space Loop Quantum Gravity and the Search for the Structure of Space Time and the Universe Jim Baggott A fascinating discussion of the quest to resolve one of the great unanswered problems of modern physics how can general relativity and quantum mechanics be compatible
Quantum concepts in space and time Roger Penrose C J ~ Quantum concepts in space and time Recent developments in quantum theory have focused attention on fundamental questions in particular on whether it might be necessary to modify quantum mechanics to reconcile quantum gravity and general relativity This book is based on a conference held in Oxford in the spring of 1984 to discuss quantum gravity
Quantum concepts in space and time Book 1986 ~ Quantum concepts in space and time Oxford Oxfordshire Clarendon Press New York Oxford University Press 1986 OCoLC625512452 Material Type Conference publication Internet resource Document Type Book Internet Resource All Authors Contributors Roger Penrose C J Isham
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Deutsch D 1986 Three experimental implications of the ~ Deutsch D 1986 Three experimental implications of the Everett interpretation in Penrose R and Isham Ed Quantum Concepts of Space and Time The Clarendon Press Oxford 204214 has been cited by the following article TITLE A retrospective view on the history of natural sciences in XXXXI
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