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Author : Irwin B. Levitan, Leonard K. Kaczmarek
Date : 2001-12-15
Page : 634
Rating : 5.0
Reviews : 8
Category : Book

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The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology 9780199773893 ~ The Fourth Edition of The Neuron provides a comprehensive first course in the cell and molecular biology of nerve cells The book begins with properties of the many newly discovered ion channels that have emerged through mapping of the genome These channels shape the way a single neuron generates varied patterns of electrical activity
Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology Oxford Medicine ~ The Fourth Edition of The Neuron provides a comprehensive first course in the cell and molecular biology of nerve cells It begins with properties of the many newly discovered ion channels that have emerged through mapping of the genome and which shape the way a single neuron generates varied patterns of electrical activity
The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology by Irwin B Levitan ~ The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology The third edition of The Neuron provides a comprehensive first course in the cell and molecular biology of nerve cells
Cell and Molecular Biology of the Neuron Principles of ~ In all biological systems from the most primitive to the most advanced the basic building block is the cell Cells are often organized into functional modules that are repeated in complex biological systems The vertebrate brain is the most complex example of a modular system
The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology ~ About Intended for use by advanced undergraduate graduate and medical students The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology is an intriguing study of the unique biochemical and physiological properties of neurons which emphasizes the molecular mechanisms that generate and regulate their activity
Overview of Neuron Structure and Function Molecular Cell ~ The cell body of a neuron contains the nucleus and lysosomes and is the site of synthesis and degradation of virtually all neuronal proteins and membranes Axons are long processes specialized for the conduction of action potentials away from the neuronal cell body
The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology Irwin B Levitan ~ The Neuron Cell and Molecular Biology The third edition of The Neuron provides a comprehensive first course in the cell and molecular biology of nerve cells The first part of the book covers the properties of the many newly discovered ion channels that have emerged through mapping of the genome
2018 Cell Biology of the Neuron Conference GRC ~ The Cell Biology of the Neuron has been a critical venue for bringing together leaders in these fields who approach these questions through different experimental systems We aim at attracting neuroscientists interested in cellcell communication synaptic transmission protein folding and trafficking RNA metabolism and intracellular transport
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