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Date : 2004-12-30
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Rating : 4.5
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Category : Book

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Minds Behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and ~ Minds Behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and their Discoveries Reviewed by ALAN EMERY Minds Behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and their Discoveries By S TANLEY F INGER Pp xii 364 illustrated 35 hardback ISBN 0 19 508571 X New York Oxford University Press 2000
Minds behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and ~ Minds Behind the Brain covers the history of our attempts to understand how we understand Finger the author is a scholar a professor of psychology at the University of Washington who undertook the writing of this book because of questions from his students concerning the people behind the theories he was teaching to them
Minds behind the brain a history of the pioneers and ~ Minds behind the brain a history of the pioneers and their discoveries Item Preview removecircle Minds behind the brain a history of the pioneers and their discoveries by Finger Stanley Publication date 2000 Topics Neurosciences History Brain Research History
Minds behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and ~ Minds behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and Their Discoveries Oxford Oxford University Press 2000 xii 364 pp Ill 3500 This is a major contribution to the growing but still meager body of literature on the history of the neurosciences
Minds behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and ~ My students wanted to know more about these pioneers as real people what led to their discoveries and the ramifications of their insights For these more inquisitive minds knowing the year of a landmark and a beard was not enough
Minds Behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and ~ Minds Behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and Their Discoveries 2000 364 Stanley Finger 0195181824 9780195181821 Oxford University Press 2000 New York Sep 9 1999 Art 16 pages download Minds Behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and Their Discoveries 2000 This volume presents Paul W Lapps excavations at
Minds Behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and ~ Minds behind the brain a history of the pioneers and their discoveries User Review Not Available Book Verdict Throughout this 4600year voyage through the history of neuroscience Finger neural sciences Washington Univ Origins of Neuroscience introduces us to 19 Western thinkers who have made significant
Minds Behind the Brain A History of the Pioneers and ~ I give Minds Behind the Brain three stars just because it does a good job braiding the science with the history If he left it at that this might be a five star book However there are three things that really detract from the work First he cant seem to decide whether hes writing a biography or history book
Minds Behind the Brain A history of the pioneers and ~ This volume presents a series of vibrant profiles that trace the evolution of our knowledge about the brain Beginning almost 5000 years ago with the ancient Egyptian study of “the marrow of the skull” the book takes us on a fascinating journey from the classical world of Hippocrates to the time of René Descartes and the era of Paul Broca and Santiago Ramón y Cajal to modern
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