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Date : 2001-09-15
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The Behavioral Neurology of White Matter 9780199743261 ~ Behavioral neurology is founded on lesions of cortical gray matter but recently the contributions of cerebral white matter to cognitive and emotional dysfunction have also attracted attention The Behavioral Neurology of White Matter surveys this broad and fascinating field from a clinical perspective
The Behavioral Neurology of White Matter Diagnosis of ~ More than 100 neurologic diseases injuries and intoxications are known to prominently or exclusively involve the white matter of the brain12 Without exception these disorders have the potential to disrupt aspects of cognitive and emotional function and to lead to important syndromes related to white matter dysfunction
The Behavioral Neurology of White Matter Christopher ~ Behavioral neurology is founded on lesions of cortical gray matter but recently the contributions of cerebral white matter to cognitive and emotional dysfunction have also attracted attention The Behavioral Neurology of White Matter surveys this broad and fascinating field from a clinical perspective
The behavioral neurology of cerebral white matter Neurology ~ Behaviora1 neurology has primarily focused on brainbehavior relations as revealed by disorders of the cerebral cortex and subcortical gray matter Disorders of cerebral white matter have received less attention This article considers the contribution of cerebral white matter to normal behavioral function and the effects of white matter disorders on behavior Diffuse dysfunction is more
Behavioral Neurology of White Matter Oxford Medicine ~ The central nervous system consists of gray matter structures including the neocortex basal ganglia thalamus and cerebellum and an extensive array of connecting white matter tracts that allow the integration of the many functions mediated by the gray matter Neuroscience neurology and behavioral neurology have tended to emphasize gray matter function and have left white matter disorders
The Behavioral Neurology of White Matter Request PDF ~ Behavioral neurology has primarily focused on brainbehavior relations as revealed by disorders of the cerebral cortex and subcortical gray matter Disorders of cerebral white matter have received
White matter and behavioral neurology ~ White matter and behavioral neurology Filley CM1 Author information Although the study of higher brain function has traditionally focused on the cortical gray matter recent years have witnessed the recognition that white matter also makes an important contribution to cognition and emotion
The behavioral neurology of white matter in SearchWorks ~ Behavioral neurology is founded on lesions of cortical gray matter but recently the contributions of cerebral white matter to cognitive and emotional dysfunction have also attracted attention The Behavioral Neurology of White Matter surveys this broad and fascinating field from a clinical perspective
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