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Monographs on the Physics and Chemistry of Materials ~ Monographs on the Physics and Chemistry of Materials Showing 120 of 25 Previous Next List Grid Monographs on the Physics and Chemistry of Materials Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy 21500 Add Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy to Cart M K Miller A Cerezo M G 9780198513872
Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy M K Miller A Cerezo ~ The atom probe technique permits the imaging and chemical identification of individual and solid surfaces It is one of the most important experimental methods in the emerging field of atomicscale science and technology This book gives a definitive and uptodate account of the field and is written by leading authorities on the subject
Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy IOPscience ~ This book is one of the series of Monographs on the physics and chemistry of materials published by the Clarendon Press Its title is perhaps unduly restrictive inasmuch as the identification of single atoms in the field ion microscope Atom probe FIM is merely the end stage in a long chain of computerassisted operations plus the equally important task of interpreting the projected image
The Atom‐Probe Field Ion Microscope Review of Scientific ~ The Atom‐Probe Field Ion Microscope 270 A serious limitation of the field ion microscope has been its inability to identify the chemical nature of the individually imaged atoms The newly conceived atom‐probe FIM is a combination probe‐hole FIM and mass spectrometer having single particle sensitivity
Atom probe field ion microscopy Book 1996 ~ A definitive account of the theory practice and applications of atom probe field ion microscopy APFIM The APFIM technique provides a unique method for observing and chemically identifying single atoms on solid surfaces
The Atom‐Probe Field Ion Microscope Review of Scientific ~ A serious limitation of the field ion microscope has been its inability to identify the chemical nature of the individually imaged atoms The newly conceived atom‐probe FIM is a combination probe‐hole FIM and mass spectrometer having single particle sensitivity During observation the observer selects an atomic site of interest by placing it over a probe hole in the image screen
Atom probe field ion microscopy Conference ~ The atom probe fieldion microscope provides a technique for direct observation and quantification of important microstructural and chemical features of the transformation such as the threedimensional morphology of the evolving phases the wavelength and spatial extent of the soluterich regions the sharpness of the interface between the phases and the changes in composition of the coexisting phases
Tomography by Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy SpringerLink ~ The Field Ion Microscope FIM introduced by Müller was the first instrument capable of imaging metal surfaces with atomic resolution in real space 1–7 The FIM was originally employed to solve problems related to surface physics and crystallography
AtomProbe Field Ion Microscopy ScienceDirect ~ More than fifty years have passed since Müller et al invented the atomprobe field ion microscope APFIM in 1968 Müller et al 1968 The APFIM was originally developed as a tool for surface science however from the emerging stage of the technique physical metallurgists realized that its use could solve many critical problems on the microstructures of metallic materials in particular steels
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