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ClinicalTrials Design Conduct and Analysis Monographs ~ While the basics of design conduct and analysis of clinical trials remain the same there have been significant changes since the first edition of Clinical Trials was published two decades ago In this new edition the author discusses the refinements and improvements made to methods and procedures changes in the policies and guidelines
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ClinicalTrials Curtis L Meinert Oxford University Press ~ ClinicalTrials Design Conduct and Analysis Second Edition Curtis L Meinert PhD Monographs in Epidemiology and Biostatistics The most comprehensive coverage of clinical trial design conduct and implementation written by one of the leading authorities in the field
Monographs in Epidemiology and Biostatistics Oxford ~ Monographs in Epidemiology and Biostatistics Type Academic Research 15 Books for Courses 2 Design Conduct Analysis 7700 Add CaseControl Studies to Cart James J Schlesselman 9780195029338 ClinicalTrials Design Conduct and Analysis Second Edition 17000 Add ClinicalTrials to Cart Curtis L Meinert
ClinicalTrials Design Conduct and Analysis Curtis L ~ First published in 1986 this landmark text is the definitive guide to clinical trials written by one of the leading experts in the field This fullyupdated second edition continues to be the most authoritative reference text on randomized clinical trials It contains a wealth of practical information on the design conduct and analysis of both single center and multicenter trials
Clinical trials Design conduct and analysis Curtis L ~ Clinical trials Design conduct and analysis Curtis L Meinert 1986 Monographs in epidemiology and biostatistics Volume 8 Oxford University Press New York and Oxford Pages 469 £55 ISBN 5035682
ClinicalTrials Design Conduct and Analysis Monographs ~ While the basics of design conduct and analysis of clinical trials remain the same there have been significant changes since the first edition of Clinical Trials was published two decades ago In this new edition the author discusses the refinements and improvements made to methods and procedures changes in the policies and guidelines
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