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Date : 2000-06-22
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Category : Book

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The Physics of Solids Ketterson 9780198742906 ~ Kettersons book is welcomed as a valuable and fairly successful attempt to expose solidstate physics from todayâs perspective Acta Crystallographica This is an outstanding book covering fundamental concepts and advanced theories explaining classical and quantum phenomena in solids
The Physics of Solids Richard John Turton 9780198503521 ~ It covers all of the standard topics in solid state physics crystal structure mechanical electrical thermal and magnetic properties metals semiconductors dielectrics superconductors and amorphous solids and also includes an introductory chapter on chemical bonds and a chapter on polymers
The Physics of Solids Essentials and Beyond ~ After the initial overview with an emphasis on the physical concepts and the derivation of results by dimensional analysis The Physics of Solids deals with the Jellium Model JM and the Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals LCAO approaches to solids and introduces the basic concepts and information regarding metals and semiconductors The
The Physics of Solids Ketterson Oxford University ~ This comprehensive text covers the basic physics of the solid state starting at an elementary level suitable for undergraduates but then advancing in stages to a graduate and advanced graduate level
The Physics and Chemistry of Solids Wiley ~ Taking an original imaginative approach to the subject Stephen Elliotts book is one of the first to bridge the gap between solid state physics and chemistry Considerable thought has gone into the structure and content of this book with the first four chapters covering the properties of atoms in solids and the remaining four concentrating on the behaviour of electrons in materials
The Physics of Solids Essentials and Beyond ~ Solid State Physics emphasizes a few fundamental principles and extracts from them a wealth of information This approach also unifies an enormous and diverse subject which seems to consist of too many disjoint pieces The book starts with the absolutely minimum of formal tools emphasizes
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Elsevier ~ The latest Open Access articles published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids Spin and vorticity with vanishing rigidbody rotation during shear in continuum mechanics Open access Bjørn Holmedal
Physics of Solids I Physics MIT OpenCourseWare ~ Dont show me this again Welcome This is one of over 2200 courses on OCW Find materials for this course in the pages linked along the left MIT OpenCourseWare is a free open publication of material from thousands of MIT courses covering the entire MIT curriculum No enrollment or registration
Solidstate physics Wikipedia ~ Solidstate physics is the study of rigid matter or solids through methods such as quantum mechanics crystallography electromagnetism and metallurgy It is the largest branch of condensed matter physics
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