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Date : 1998-07-30
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Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras Oxford ~ Buy Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras Oxford Mathematical Monographs on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders
Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras David E Evans ~ Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras Oxford Mathematical Monographs Share Also of Interest Topological Dynamics of Random Dynamical Systems Nguyen Dinh Cong Cointegration Causality and Forecasting An Introduction to Quantum Optics and Quantum Fluctuations Peter W Milonni
Quantum symmetries on operator algebras ORCA ~ In the last 20 years the study of operator algebras has developed from a branch of functional analysis to a central field of mathematics with applications and connections with different areas in both pure mathematics foliations index theory Ktheory cyclic homology affine KacMoody algebras quantum groups low dimensional topology and mathematical physics integrable theories
Staff View Quantum symmetries on operator algebras ~ Oxford mathematical monographs Subjects Operator algebras Quantum groups Symmetry Physics Mathematical physics Tags Add Tag No Tags Be the first to tag this record a Quantum symmetries on operator algebras c David E Evans and Yasuyuki Kawahigashi 260
AMS Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ~ David E Evans and Yasuyuki Kawahigashi Quantum symmetries on operator algebras Oxford Mathematical Monographs The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press New York 1998 Oxford Science Publications
AMS eBooks Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ~ David E Evans and Yasuyuki Kawahigashi Quantum symmetries on operator algebras Oxford Mathematical Monographs The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press New York 1998 Oxford Science Publications
DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS QUANTUM SYMMETRIES ~ QUANTUM SYMMETRIES Summer Research Program DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS This program aims to bring together researchers in quantum symmetries tensor categories operator algebras and subfactors quantum groups and Hopf algebras higher categories topological and conformal field theories
Quantum symmetries on operator algebras Book 1998 ~ Note Citations are based on reference standards However formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher classroom teacher institution or organization should be applied
Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras Oxford ~ Buy Quantum Symmetries on Operator Algebras Oxford Mathematical Monographs by David E Evans Yasuyuki Kawahigashi ISBN 9780198511755 from Amazons Book Store Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders
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