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Date : 2005-04-14
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DNA Topology Fundamentals Tufts University ~ DNA Topology Fundamentals Sergei M MirkinUniversity of Illinois at Chicago Illinois USA Topological characteristics of DNA and specifically DNA supercoiling influence all major DNA transactions in living cells DNA supercoiling induces the formation of unusual secondary structure by specific DNA repeats which can also affect DNA functioning
DNA Topology and Topoisomerases Teaching a “Knotty” Subject ~ DNA topology should be an integral component of biochemistry and molecular biology curricula for a number of reasons including Topology affects virtually every nucleic acid process that requires the double helix to be Topoisomerases the enzymes that regulate the topological structure
Nucleic acid structure Wikipedia ~ The nucleotides on one strand base pairs with the nucleotide on the other strand The secondary structure is responsible for the shape that the nucleic acid assumes The bases in the DNA are classified as purines and pyrimidines The purines are adenine and guanine Purines consist of a double ring structure
DNA Structure and Topology ~ DNA GEOMETRY DNA is a doublestranded macromolecule in which each strand is a polymer of deoxyribonucleotide monomers The monomers are linked by phosphodiester bonds between the 3 carbon of one deoxyribose molecule and the 5 carbon of another
DNA Topology ~ An exploration of the complicated world of DNA topology how DNA is described with linking number twist and writhe and how topoisomerases and gyrases alter these properties
DNA Topology Serious Science ~ The main one is how DNA topology influences gene expression in eukaryotes It has been a long story for many years there were indications that there are socalled topological domains exist in DNA It is also thought that DNA in the chromosome is arranged in the form of loops which are not circular DNA but behave exactly like circular DNA since these loops are somehow locked by special proteins
DNA topology and topoisomerases in genome dynamics ~ DNA topology and topoisomerase function are therefore inherent to all DNA transactions playing thus a fundamental role in the organization and dynamics of the genome Consequently a full understanding of genome metabolism must necessarily consider the topological context in which these processes occur and how they are influenced and regulated by the action of DNA topoisomerases
Dna topology SlideShare ~ Dna topology 1 DNA TOPOLOGY ALICIA TINY St Marys college Thrissur 2 Content STRUCTURE OF DNA DIFFERENT FORMS OF DNA TOPOLOGY 3 Structure of DNA has been studied by many people for many years Linus Pauling Maurice 4 STRUCTURE OF DNA • The structure of DNA is divided into
Dna topology SlideShare ~ Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance and to provide you with relevant advertising If you continue browsing the site you agree to the use of cookies on this website
DNA supercoil Wikipedia ~ The topology of the DNA is described by the equation below in which the linking number is equivalent to the sum of TW which is the number of twists or turns of the double helix and Wr which is the number of coils or writhes If there is a closed DNA molecule the sum of Tw and Wr or the linking number does not change
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